we believe

These are powerful words used to express bedrock truths that serve as the foundation for the meaning and purpose of our life on earth and our sure and certain hope for eternity.


In God, holy, almighty, creator, sustainer, loving, gracious, compassionate and merciful.

God created the world as a witness to God’s glory and for the enjoyment of humankind, ours to care for and preserve.

Every human being is created in the image of God, having extraordinary worth and dignity, and that God’s creative intent is for the blessing of every person so each may flourish in relationship with God and one another.

Sin and suffering entered the world through the disobedience of the first humans, Adam and Eve. Every human being is spiritually dead as a result of sin and the fall, estranged from God and unable to experience the full life God intends.

God’s grace and mercy are the only antidote for our sin-broken lives.

The Bible tells the truth about God and us. It is God’s story – a story of love, grace, redemption, and hope centered in Jesus Christ.

The Bible is the final authority of faith and life for every follower of Jesus.

God has uniquely revealed himself to us in Jesus, the Son of God.

Jesus lived, taught, ministered, offered his life in place of ours as a perfect sacrifice, died, and rose again, in order to set us free from sin and death and restore to us abundant life and relationship with God.

Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus alone. Jesus is our Savior, leader and friend.

God dwells in us through the presence of the Holy Spirit who leads, empowers, comforts, and transforms us so that we grow to be more like Jesus.

The Church is the living expression of God’s redemptive love. In this new community of faith, people of all cultures and backgrounds and every tribe and nation, are invited to experience God’s grace and the welcoming, embracing and healing power of the Kingdom of God.

Jesus will return and set the world right. We live in certain hope that the day will dawn where God’s people will know the love, justice, beauty, wholeness, peace and joy of life with God in God’s eternal kingdom.